A Cinderella Story (2004)

A Cinderella Story (2004)
Language: English
Director:Mark Rosman
Genre:Comedy | Family | Romance
Release Date:16 July 2004
Tagline:Once upon a time... can happen any time.

A Cinderella story is about a girl Sam Montgomery who is not so popular at her high school. After her fathers death and not having a will left to her, her evil step mum gets everything that her father left behind and makes Sam do everything at her dad's diner. At her school she is shunned by the popular stuck up girls, the main one being Shelby Cummings, a very wealthy, spoiled person. Austin Ames and Sam interact with each other through emails and text messages not knowing who each other is. They decide to meet at the school dance on the dance floor at 11 o'clock but their time together is cut short when Sam has to race back to the diner. As she is running out she leaves her mobile phone behind with Austin finding it. to this Austin tries to find out who Cinderella is and Sam is afraid that if he finds out who she really is he may not want anything to do with her. and may even forget about their on going relationship.



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